
Firewalls are now considered as an essential part of any company’s portfolio and an integral part of a company’s security posture. Firewalls can offer required defense against a wide range of malicious attacks originated either externally or internally. The first line of defense for any organization against external attacks is firewalls.
SolutionMesh can assist with you firewall requirements in consulting, implementing and maintaining the right firewall that meet the organization needs. We work with our clients to understand their business needs and design firewall solutions that meet their security, access, connectivity and protection requirements which lowers their threat exposure to external and internal threats.

Security Design

Security is an integeral part of any infrastructure. Security should always be incorporated at design phase as it would be difficult to address once any project or infrastructure has been built. We can assist our customers develop and design solutions putting security in mind. Our expertise can also help design any component of infrastructure which require security and is an integral part of business function.

PCI DSS Compliance

Compliance with PCI DSS standard is vital for all business who details with credit cards, Personal identifiable information (PII), primary account number (PAN), magnetic stripe data, CVV, and PIN for transactions online or offline. Keeping the customer data secure is the most important aspect of any business. The focus of PCI compliance is the protection of sensitive cardholder data that either traverses or is collected during transactions. PCI standard implies 12 requirements which are used to protect sensitive cardholder data in use, at rest or in transit.
We can help you design a solution which will be compliant with PCI DSS standard in a efficient and cost-effective manner. With our assistance banks, merchants, corporations which process payments can protect data at rest and in transit using strong processes / algorithms to meet the most complex of PCI requirements. We can also assist in documentation required for compliance and even negotiate with the auditors to have the right logic of your business communicated across.

VA Scanning

Vulnerabilities are emerged everyday across different platforms, networks, Web applications, databases, network gear. They could exist due to some misconfiguration, outdated software, weak cryptographic ciphers. As these vulnerabilities are exploitable by hackers / attackers, the risk associated with them should be mitigated

Our vulnerability scanning and assessment service enables your company to accurately and safely conduct an internal and external scan of your IT infrastructure against any security vulnerabilities or any potential threats. We range from scanning the infrastructure which can be your corporate, development and Production environment.
With this we can help you
1. Identify exploitable vulnerabilities based on the risk.
2. Meet your regulatory and compliance requirements
3. Tracking the vulnerabilities remediation on an interval basis
4. Provide information security expert advices on mitigation plans
5. Design solutions keeping into account the business compliance and security posture

Infrastructure Hardening

Companies need to reduce their threat surface to prevent any attacks to its infrastructure. System Hardening is done to secure the infrastructure by reducing its surface to vulnerabilities. Having unneeded functionalities or services increases the risk of getting exploited. Exploitation can occur through various attack vectors. It is possible to reduce the number of possible attack vectors by the removal of any software, user accounts or services that are not related and required by the planned system functions. System hardening of vendor products should be done through vendor defined specific processes. SolutionMESH helps our clients reduce the attack vectors and reducing the risk across the infrastructure by making sure our client have system hardening guidelines, consult disabling of unnecessary services, patch the systems across the organization, configuring SIEM and having secure baseline configuration for each component which makes up the organization infrastructure.

Risk Assessment

Threats are anything that would contribute to destruction, tampering of any service or item of value to organization. Threats can be external or internal. Risk assessment is a way to determine the level of risk those threats impost. Every company require an assessment of its assets based of value, asset value determines how much an enterprise spent protecting that asset. We at SolutionMesh can help enterprises assess what needs to be protected, what are the threat and vulnerabilities, the implications if an asset is damaged or lost, determines the asset value and implement countermeasure against those threats.

NW Penetration Testing

Network is an essential part of any enterprise which link systems and infrastructure components together. Network should maintain its security posture and should be properly segregated based on business functions. With our Network Pen testing solution we offer to evaluate the security posture of a network system by simulating attacks from external and internal resources. Vulnerabilities are reported and evaluated based on risk and exposure factor. We can offer solutions which overall identify vulnerabilities, document them, apply risk ratings, validate them through exploitation vectors and formally document the results in a report combined with appropriate recommendations for remediation.
Our approach is based upon industry-standard frameworks, such as: OSSTMM, ISSAF, OWASP, WASC and NIST Special Publication 800 Series guidelines so that we can ensure that our clients’ vulnerabilities are represented by their true real-world likelihood and potential impact to their business.

IT Security


Security Design

PCI DSS Compliance

VA Scanning

Infrastructure Hardening

Risk Assessment

NW Penetration Testing

Our Services

IT Consulting


Advance Networking

IT Security